Make sure your PCB supplier is a real manufacturer

In Taiwan,there are many PCB manufacturers with capacity of multi-layer PCB production, making good quality multi-layer PCBs at a competitive price.

Some of them are good and some are not.

This post will release some facts of PCB manufacturers in Taiwan, and show you how to judge a manufacturer.

First you should make sure your PCB supplier is a real manufacturer

There are more and more PCB trading companies emerged in Taiwan, also mainland China, and in most cases, they don’t have their own factories.

If you want find high quality PCB not just low price, you should choose a real PCB manufacturer.

Second is taking a visit to your PCB supplier in Taiwan

As you may know, develop speed of China has grown faster and faster. Most of Taiwan companies have moved their plants to mainland China for lower cost in land and labor.

You might be willing to take a visit to your supplier for check if they put their plants in Taiwan or mainland China.